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Carroll artist sends two pieces to Ohio Governor's Youth Art Competition

March 23, 2021
By Carroll High School
Carroll artists Samantha Yates displays her artwork

Samantha Yates '23 has earned two placements at the 2021 Ohio Governor's Youth Art Competition. The pieces will go on to the state judging and, if chosen, will be exhibited in the James A. Rhodes State Office Tower in downtown Columbus.

"I am very proud of Samantha's accomplishment," Carroll Visual Arts Department Chair Renee Merland said.  "The Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition has always been very selective and competitive in nature. It is quite an honor for a student to be awarded one piece into this competition, let alone two pieces like Samantha! The advancement of both her pieces is a testament to her incredible artistic ability and potential."

Samantha's works:

  • "Swimming in a Sea of Memories" (Chalk Pastel)
  • "The Life of a Lady Bug" (Colored Pencil)
Karen Clark says:
March 26, 2021 04:16 PM CST
This young lady is truly amazing. She has such a kind heart and so many talents. I love her art work

Summer Camps