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Posts Tagged "faith"

The Catholic Telegraph - Sam Wittmann: Carroll High School Student Blends Faith and Art

February 05, 2021
By The Catholic Telegraph
Carroll High School student Sam Wittmann '22 holds the rosary he received as a First Communion gift

Editor's Note: The full version of this story appears in the February 2021 issue of the Catholic Telegraph Magazine.  Visit their website to read the entire story.

Sam Wittmann is not a typical high school junior. He’s an exceptional artist who has drawn the connection between his art and his faith, thanks to a class assignment.

“The project was a study of drawing hands from life,” explained Renee Merland, chair of the visual arts department at Carroll High School in Dayton. “Students used their own hands as their reference and chose one object to hold in their hand that was symbolic or meaningful to their life.”

The result was an assortment of artwork featuring childhood toys or small stuffed animals – even favorite foods and beverages made the cut. Against the backdrop of typical teenage memories, Wittmann’s work, a color pencil drawing of his right hand holding a rosary, showed profound depth, both artistically and spiritually.

Linking Science and Faith: State of the Art STEM Lab Made Possible by Contribution from Catholic Nuclear Physicist

September 04, 2020
By The Catholic Telegraph
The Miller Family Science Center at Carroll High School

This story originally appeared in The Catholic Telegraph.  Click here to read the entire article.

“The world is spiritual, but it is also scientific. The more our students today know about science, the better they will contribute to the world they will enter.”

This is the expressed motivation for Bob Barthelemy’s generous contribution to Carroll High School’s new STEM Lab. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, and according to this devoted scientist, the lab was the perfect opportunity for him to continue his long association with the Dayton-based Catholic high school.

Barthelemy was born in New Bedford, MA, and did his undergraduate studies in nuclear physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He then joined the Air Force, where his first assignment was to Wright Patterson Air Force Base. He later earned his PhD at Ohio State University. Bob’s long association with Carroll High School started with his three daughters, all graduates. Now, some of his grandchildren are beginning their own high school experiences at Carroll.

Barthelemy says, “The greatest contribution the new STEM Lab will make to a student’s experience at Carroll is that it will allow them to ‘do,’ not just study, science. I am an inherently inquisitive person. I am a scientist, and I know that doing science is what provides the greatest benefit to learning. There are many times when I have heard students say, ‘I do not see what this is for.’ I can show them what science is for. A lab allows students to experience how to apply what they study, how it will work in the real world.”

Tags: Faith, Science, STEM

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