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Three groups of Carroll students team up with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise money for cancer research

February 25, 2021
By Carroll High School
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Three groups of Carroll students are joining the fight against blood cancers and vying for the title of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) Student of the Year by raising funds for life-saving research.

LLS, the world's largest nonprofit fighting blood cancer, awards the title of Student(s) of the Year to the candidate or co-candidates in each community who raises the most funds during the competition.  These Carroll students have seen the impact of blood cancers firsthand and are participating in the fundraising initiative to put an end to these diseases.

Brooke Grieshop '22

Brooke Grieshop Leukemia Lymphoma Student of the Year 2021 Candidate
Brooke Grieshop '22

I decided to run for Student of the Year through the LLS in honor of my mom, Ellen Mason Grieshop, and my grandma, Marilyn Hohm Grieshop.  Within the past two years, I have suffered through two events that have changed my outlook on cancer entirely.  A few months ago, during this crazy COVID time, my grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer.  After having many scans done, the doctors had determined that the cancer had traveled to her brain in many areas.  She was in the process of battling cancer when she contracted COVID, and this lead to her passing.  At that moment, I saw how cancer can take a loved one away from you.  I saw first hand how cancer has a drastic impact on the patients and the family as a whole.  Almost two years ago my mom was killed in a tragic car accident, which caused her to go into a coma and lose her life nine days later. This showed me how tomorrow isn't promised and how thankful we need to be for our family.  My mom lived in constant fear of becoming the next cancer patient, as she lost both her parents before the age of eighteen due to cancer.  I am convinced that God took my mom away to save her from having to go through the battle that is cancer and saving me from seeing her like that, as she once saw her own parents.  If I reach 50,000 dollars, I can name a research grant after these two wonderful women.  Let's put an end to cancer. Thank you!

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McKenna Lange '23, Paxton Clark '23, and Hannah Wagner '23

McKenna Lange Leukemia Lymphoma Society Student of the 2021 Canddiate
McKenna Lange '23

We encourage you to join us in supporting LLS by making a donation to our fundraising campaign. By donating to LLS, you support the many facets of LLS’s mission work from investing in groundbreaking research, providing education and support to patients, and advocating at the state and federal level for legislation to help those living with cancer. Our appreciation for your support cannot be overstated — each and every dollar donated to LLS brings us closer to our goal to end blood cancer and makes an impact for cancer patients and their families.

Paxton Clark Leukemia Lymphoma Society Student of the Year 2021 Candidate
Paxton Clark '23

As a global leader in the fight to end cancer, LLS is committed to doing more for blood cancer patients and families than any organization in the world. LLS’s signature fundraising campaigns drive critical support for its mission, including a nearly $1.3 billion investment in cutting edge cancer research worldwide since it was founded in 1949. Since the 1960s, survival rates for many blood cancer patients have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled.

Hannah Wagner Leukemia Lymphoma Society Student of the 2021 Canddiate
Hannah Wagner '23

Every facet of LLS’s mission – research, education and support, and policy and advocacy – work in harmony to put blood cancer patients and their families first. LLS has helped millions impacted by cancer throughout its more than 70-year history, even funding breakthrough blood cancer research to advance lifesaving treatments and cures that is now helping patients with other cancers and diseases. That is why at LLS we say that beating cancer is in our blood.


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Bailee Bolton '24

Leukemia Lymphoma Student of the Year 2021 Candidate Bailee Bolton
Bailee Bolton '24

Hello, I’m Bailee Bolton, and I'm running for Student of the Year.  My goal this year is to raise at least $10,000, and with your help, I can!  I’m in this campaign because I watched a friend of mine go through leukemia, and it was so tough to watch his family struggle and try their best.  I also just want to run for this amazing campaign since it is such an amazing cause and helps millions around the world.  I want to be part of the difference we are going to make!

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