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Twelve student athletes from the Class of 2021 continuing their careers in college

May 20, 2021
By Carroll High School

Congratulations to our twelve student-athletes who are continuing their academic and athletic careers in college next year!  We asked these Patriots to tell the Carroll community about their future plans!

Kevin Agnew

Sport: Cross Country

College: The Ohio State University

Planned Major: Electrical Engineering

Favorite Carroll Memory: The 2019 Chocolate Milk Mile

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Working as an electrical engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base



Conner Bailey

Sport: Soccer

Elementary School/Parish: St. Peter

College: University of South Carolina

Planned Major: Biomedical Engineering

Favorite Carroll Memory: Eating at El Toro with the boys after our games

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Working as an orthopedic surgeon or doing lab research


Steven Chapman

Sport: Baseball

Elementary School/Parish: St. Peter

College: Ohio Dominican University

Planned Major: Sports Management

Favorite Carroll Memory: Beating Alter junior year in football and beating CJ senior year in football

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Playing professional baseball


Delaney Conger

Sport: Volleyball

Elementary School/Parish: St. Helen

College: Capital University

Planned Major: Psychology

Favorite Carroll Memory: Fight for a Cure 2019 Volleyball Game

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: I hope to have earned a Doctorate in Psychology and working as a child psychologist in my own firm. Along with this, I want to be married and hopefully starting a family.


Ellie Erich

Sport: Rowing

Elementary School/Parish: St. Brigid

College: The Ohio State University

Planned Major: Integrated Language Arts Education

Favorite Carroll Memory: Our 4x800 relay place 4th at indoor state championships

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Teaching English and finishing graduate school


Ava Lickliter

Sport: Basketball

College: Wheeling University

Planned Major: Special Education

Favorite Carroll Memory: Going to state in basketball three years in a row and all the house competitions (specifically the lip syncs)

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Coaching basketball at the collegiate level



Jacob Maurer

Sport: Baseball

College: Lafayette College

Planned Major: Biology

Favorite Carroll Memory: A walk-off win against Fairmont in the tournament and then beating Beavercreek two days later in the sectional finals.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Playing in Major League Baseball with a degree from Lafayette College



Brandon Osterholt

Sport: Soccer

College: University of Indianapolis

Planned Major: Business

Favorite Carroll Memory: Going out to eat after soccer games with the team

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Having tremendous success in my business career



Conner Osterholt

Sport: Soccer

College: Wright State University

Planned Major: Business

Favorite Carroll Memory: Going out to eat with the soccer team after wins

Where do you see yourself in ten years?: Playing professional soccer or investing in real estate



Julia Quinn

Sport: Swimming

College: Florida Atlantic University

Planned Major in College: Finance and accounting 

Favorite Carroll Memory: Senior year prom

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Having a job I love and traveling a lot!




Takierra Robinson

Sport: Basketball

Elementary School/Parish: Ascension

College: Kentucky Christian University

Planned Major in College: Nursing 

Favorite Carroll Memory: Playing in the basketball tournament

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Working and building a house


Fanuel Uwishimwe

Sport: Football and Track

Elementary School/Parish: Ascension

College: Otterbein University

Planned Major in College: Sports Management

Favorite Carroll Memory: Pep rallies and House Events

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: Working as a successful businessman

Summer Camps