Welcome from the Dean of Academics

We are a four-year, Catholic co-educational high school under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Archbishop Carroll High School has a proud tradition of outstanding academics. We strive to develop each student spiritually, intellectually, and physically. By providing students with a variety of learning experiences and fostering the ability to make responsible choices, we prepare our students to fulfill their dreams and meet the needs of a complex society. We exceed the state requirements for graduation, and we meet or exceed the entrance requirements of the most rigorous universities and military academies. You can be sure your child will receive a quality education at Archbishop Carroll High School! I know your educational experience at Archbishop Carroll High School will be all that you hope for and more!
Academic Highlights
- A broad spectrum of courses at different academic levels to meet the educational needs of all students
- 20 Advanced Placement courses, all authorized by the College Board.
- Three full-time counselors who meet with students about their course selections and college plans, as well as offer help to students and parents, if needed
- Peer tutoring for students who need extra help
- Opportunities during the school year to participate in essay contests, math and science competitions, and numerous other activities
- An online grading program that allows students and parents to view the students' academic progress at home
- A faculty who cares about your student's success. Our teachers promote the total growth of the student, not only by what and how they teach, but also by who they are. This role modeling, coupled with excellent instruction, is the hallmark and the heart of Carroll High School.
Grading Scale
Grades are cumulative over each semester. All science courses are lab-oriented. There are seven class periods per day averaging 50 minutes each. Students are required to take six courses.
- A = 4.0 (100-90)
- B = 3.0 (80-89)
- C = 2.0 (70-79)
- D = 1.0 (65-69)
- F = 0 (64-0)
Grade Point Average is based on a 4.0 basis. A weighted GPA is used to determine Honor Roll.
Faith does not draw us away from the world or prove irrelevant to the concrete concerns of the men and women of our time. Faith makes us appreciate the architecture of human relationships because it grasps their ultimate foundation and definitive destiny in God, in his love, and thus sheds light on the art of building; as such it becomes a service to the common good.
-Pope Francis