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Posts Tagged "Summer Medina"

Welcome to Mercy Family Room 106 (2020)

September 23, 2019
By Summer Medina '20

This school year has started off with a boom!  Now that we have finished the 5th week of school, the Family Rooms have become comfortable with their new friends.

In Family Room 106, the Mercy students went out on Thursday to chalk up the sidewalks. I asked Ronald "RJ" Sticka ‘21 what his favorite thing about Family Room was. RJ said, “The food parties that we have and all the friendships.”

After these first couple weeks of school, the freshmen are now in the flow of Family Room. On Monday, Family Room 106 had a birthday part for Tyler Wuebben ‘20 and Preston Davis '23 helped make popcorn and pass it out. The House System is very important to help all the grade levels connect and participate with each other.
Not only do Family Rooms focus on the fun aspect of school, but they also help with academics. Tuesdays are the Academic Day, and that's when students can have help from each other with homework, whether it's studying or just help understanding a concept. Mercy House is excited to continue on with this already great year and cannot wait to see what the students have to bring over the coming months!

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