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Addison Linard '25: Student of the Week February 22, 2024

February 21, 2024
By Archbishop Carroll High School

Student of the Week Addison Linard '25, Baltimore House and St. Helen School Alumna, with Mrs. Acacia Morrell

Addison swam last year, but while participating in Color Guard, she was worried about taking on too much.  She helps me as a team manager, and has been a godsend as I do not have an assistant coach.  Addison recently told me she is now the Assistant Stage Manager for the musical this spring, too. Addison has done all this with grace even while she has faced some adversity in her life.

-Mrs. Acacia Morrell

Favorite Restaurant:

Olive Garden

Favorite Movie:

Lilo and Stitch

Who would play you in a movie?

Debbie Harry from Blondie

Place you'd love to travel:


What activities do you participate in?

I am a part of the Color Guard, the Prop Manager and Assistant Stage Manager for the musical, and I the student helper for Mrs. Morrell on the Swim Team.

What's your favorite part of being a student at Carroll?

The welcoming community and all the friends that I’ve made through my years here. I also love the inclusivity and leadership roles available to the students.

What should school “do” for you?

I think that school should teach us how to form life-long skills and friendships. We learn all the basic courses like math and science, but we also learn how to cook and manage our finances. I’ve learned how to form friendships that will last, and the friends that I’ve made have made the biggest impact on my life.

What’s a lesson you learned when you overcame a difficult obstacle?

Don’t keep doing something that you don’t absolutely love. I was on a swim team from a young age until last year, and leaving it was so amazing for my mental health. I am so excited to continue as part of the swim team as a leader while also being able to have a leadership role in the musical and be in the color guard.

What’s your biggest dream in life?

I want to have a future where I’m a famous fashion designer whose designs are shown and admired all around the world.

How do you like spending your free time?

I spend my free time making origami swans and paper flowers. I also love making sketches of all of my fashion designs.

Posted in Voices of Tomorrow
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