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Serving the Community in Two Languages: Meet Yuridia Hernandez-Gomez '24

May 14, 2024
By Archbishop Carroll High School

Entering high school can seem unfamiliar and overwhelming for most new students and their families. For Patriot families that don’t speak English as their first language, the whole experience-filling out paperwork, learning new routines, and meeting the rigorous expectations- can be daunting. Thankfully, students like Yuridia Hernandez-Gomez ‘24 have made themselves available to serve the Spanish-speaking community at Archbishop Carroll by providing translation services, both on campus and in the greater Dayton area.

For Yuri, translating is second nature to her everyday life. “Since I can remember, I’ve been translating,” she recalled. When a kindergarten teacher told Yuri’s mother that Yuri would likely never learn English if only Spanish was spoken at home, Yuri’s mother, a native Spanish-speaker, found ways to immerse her daughter in English-speaking situations where she would be able to hear and speak English. “My mom did everything she could so that I could be bilingual,” said Hernandez-Gomez.

Since those early days, Yuri has been translating for her parents and helping her family, originally from Mexico, through the ins and outs of life in the United States. Yuri is also proud to help her sister, Kathelin ‘26, navigate high school so that she does not have to face the steep learning curve that Yuri did.  Yuri also has been providing that assistance to other Hispanic families in the Carroll community.

“She is the glue for our native Spanish-speaking families at Carroll,” said Director of Community Engagement and Inclusion Mrs. Tara Ashworth. On many occasions, families will mention how Yuri assisted them with filling out forms, directed them where to go, and guided them through the next steps that come with the high school experience to Ashworth.

Yuri credits Ashworth for welcoming and assisting her and her family in those early years at Carroll. Now, Yuri pays it forward by offering her assistance in both Spanish and English for incoming Hispanic students and families at orientations, open houses, and other schoolwide functions. “I know what it’s like,” Yuri said, “I used to be running around having to translate for my family.”

When she is not wearing her translator hat, Yuri is still very much helping other students through her various leadership positions. She is a proud Gonzaga House Captain, and she has enjoyed planning schoolwide events. She also fondly recalled her time as a PATS Retreat leader. Like her service to the Hispanic community, she really enjoyed helping her timid peers open up and grow deeper in their relationship with Christ during their time on retreat.

This past May, Yuri was able to receive her Seal of Biliteracy, a medal awarded to students who have achieved a level of mastery in both Spanish and English. “To some people, it’s just a medal,” said Yuri. “To come from a Hispanic family, it means everything.  They had nothing, and they gave me everything.”

Following graduation, Yuri will attend Wright State University to study nursing, a path she also says is inspired by her experience translating. “I’ve translated at the hospitals for people I don’t know,” Yuri said. Like her time serving as a translator at Carroll, she has helped Spanish-speaking patients ask questions to medical professionals, fill out paperwork, and help people find where they need to go in a hospital. Because of this, she felt the call to be a nurse who could communicate with patients in both Spanish and English.

Yuri has made it her mission to work with students, parents, and now hospital patients who are apprehensive and overwhelmed by the language barriers and help provide peace and empowerment to navigate through the English-speaking situations. Looking back on how far she has come in her own English language mastery, she is very proud to share these accomplishments with her family, specifically her parents.

“All of this makes my family proud because I was told I was never going to do it, and I’ve done more than that now.”

Posted in Voices of Tomorrow

The Biggest Test: Three Ways for Students to Stay Engaged in Remote Learning

April 13, 2020
By Kathy Anderson
Assistant Principal Kathy Anderson
Assistant Principal Kathy Anderson

Things to do:

-Go to class
-Take notes
-Do assignment
-Study for quiz
-Take quiz
-Study for test
-Take test

And by the way, do all of these things from your home, for all of your classes, on a computer, working remotely from school.

Looking at that list, how crazy does that sound?  Who in the world would’ve thought that we’d be expecting you to learn like this?  Who would’ve thought that when we began the fourth quarter, that we’d be doing it without actually seeing each other?

No one.

Yet, here we are.  Here you are, doing all of those on that list from the confines of your own home (and let’s be honest, probably from the confines of your bedroom, wearing your pajamas and eating a snack). Ladies and gentlemen, you are now being faced with the biggest test of your academic careers.  Although you have always had ownership in how successful you are in your academics, there is something about this situation that amplifies that. There has never been a time, in all of your years attending school, when the ball has been in your court more than it is now. How will you respond?  That is your test.

A huge portion of how successful you will be during this unprecedented time depends on how you face this test.  How you take initiative and follow through on the expectations being presented to you by your teachers.  As educators, we have a plan in place that consists of you attending “class” daily, communicating with teachers (and vice-versa), and submitting assignments online.  But this plan has one more component: you taking ownership of your academics now more than ever. So how do you do this?

Follow the Carroll plan

Make sure that you are attending your online classes every day.  Complete all assignments, ask teachers for clarification when you don’t understand something, study for quizzes/tests.  This is the absolute minimum that you should be doing. Recognize that if you aren’t doing these things, your grades will be impacted.  

Create a routine

You operate on an academic routine five days a week, 36 weeks a year.  Continue that routine. Put your time in during the day as you attend class and devote some time each night to studying, doing homework, and re-teaching yourself, if needed.  Do not throw routine out the window just because you are not physically reporting to Carroll on a daily basis.


Recognize that this process of learning remotely is different.  And it can be hard.  And overwhelming.  It’s okay not to like it and to wish things were back to how they used to be. Take time each night to put the Chromebook away and to focus on a hobby (or pick up a new one).  Throughout this whole transition, this “new normal” as they call it, remember to breathe.

I wish I could tell you definitively when we will be back together in the classrooms and hallways at Carroll High School.  I truly cannot wait to see all of you again and get back to the “old normal”.  But until that day comes, I am counting on all of you to do your part, to take this biggest test of your academic career, and to do it well.

Posted in Voices of Learning

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