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Welcome to Trinity Family Room 210 (2020)

September 09, 2019
By JC Copley '20

Hello everyone! This week has been an exciting week for the Carroll Patriots, especially for Family Room 210. Lead by religion teacher Mr. Brun and captains Abby Bertke and Jc Copley, Family Room 210 participated in Homecoming Spirit Week with gusto. Monday was pajama day, and most everyone showed up in their comfiest PJs. Monday was also the day that Family Rooms voted on their choice of song for the second House Event, which is the lip sync done every year.  Music videos were shown during this time and Family Room 210 had a dance party to go with it. It was very entertaining watching Mr. Brun dance! 

Tuesday was Family Room Color-Coordination Day, in which the Family Room picked what color shirts they wanted to wear on that day. It was a difficult choice for us, but we narrowed it down to three colors and eventually chose white. Tuesday also happens to be Academic Day, so most students were busy studying and doing homework during this time. Wednesday’s theme was 80s-90s Day, and seeing everyone's costumes was like a blast from the past! Thursday was Red, White, and Blue Day, and everyone in Family Room 210 was decked out in Carroll Spirit. The seniors and drama students left Family Room at this time to be a part of the Harlem Globetrotters' commercial. Because the captains of the room were gone, Kenny Shahady '21 took charge and coordinated a game for the room to play. Friday's theme was Tropical, which perfectly matched the Homecoming theme Aloha. The khaki’s and button up tropical patterned shirts were a sight to see! A Pep Rally also took place on Friday, ending up with the Seniors winning the Spirit Stick. Go Pats!

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